Sunday, August 9, 2009

I'm back!

I have been sooooo out of it lately. Seems that with summertime here I have not been doing much big shopping, just enough here and there to get us through. I have not even been clipping coupons, can you believe it? I have been LAZY and it is showing!

I went to Food Lion yesterday because they had split chicken breasts on sale for 87 cents a pound, and I picked up a few things while I was there. I spent almost $70 and got barely anything!!!!!!!!!! They did have some good deals though, like the chicken and they also had picnic hams for 69 cents a pound. I got one that will fit in my oval crockpot and it ran about $5.00. I like cooking the hams in the crockpot because you can avoid heating up the house with the oven for for 2 hours! Plus, the ham turns out tender and juicy and it makes plenty of good broth which I save for seasoning. I chill the broth, then skim off all the fat that rises to the top and discard it. Then I warm the broth up so I can pour it into ice cube trays and I freeze it. When they are solid I pop them out and store them in a Ziploc bag. One cube seasons a can of green beans wonderfully, and 2-3 make frozen butter beans or peas taste soooo good! This way I always have seasoning broth on hand and the cube size works well.

I got my newspaper today so I will be clipping away this afternoon. My daughter is having a sleepover so I will have something to do to keep me occupied while I am locked away in my bedroom preserving my sanity!

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